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Our History

Formerly Known As Wheaton Baptist Church

Wheaton Baptist Church was first established in 1954 when a small group of approximately 25-30 people gathered together to worship at the Glenmont Fire Station in Wheaton. Rev. Walter Kirk served as the first Pastor of the church starting in April of 1955. During the first few years the congregation met in several different locations. After leaving the Glenmont Fire Station they met for a short time in a house located on Georgia Avenue. From there they moved to Xander’s Store in Glenmont. Eventually they were able to rent the Glenmont Elementary School where the church was located for six years.

In 1957 Howard Talley took on the assignment of Youth Pastor. He was one of the first men from the church to go into full-time ministry. After serving as Youth Pastor, he served as pastor of other churches for 35 years. Pastor Talley died at the age of 65 in April, 2000.

During the years that the church was meeting at Glenmont Elementary School the congregation increased in size and it soon become apparent that they needed a building of their own. Pastor Kirk and one of his deacons saw that a plot of land was for sale on the corner of Randolph and Bluehill Roads. They knew this would be a good location for a church, but did not know how they would be able to pay for this land. While driving by one day, the two men stopped at the vacant lot, got down on their knees and asked the Lord to provide a way by which this land could be purchased. When Pastor Kirk called the owner to get information on the property, he was asked what he intended to do with the lot if he purchased it. When he informed the owner that he wanted to build a church on it, the owner said he would donate the lot to the church at no cost. What an answer to prayer! The new church building was completed in 1962 and the congregation of approximately 125 people moved in!

Pastor Kirk left in August of 1963 to pastor a church in North Carolina. Rev. Gerald Schelling took over as Pastor in 1963 and served the Lord at Wheaton Baptist Church for ten years. He moved to Virginia in 1973 to work in evangelistic ministries. He continued to serve the Lord by pastoring and doing evanglistic work until his death in 1999. When he left in 1973 his son, Tim Schellling, served as an interim pastor for a year.

Rev. Glenn Moorman was voted in as Pastor in March of 1974. Shortly after Pastor Moorman arrived, he and the congregation expressed their desire to start a Christian school. Wheaton Christian School was initiated in 1975 and included pre-K through grade 12 classes.

Under Pastor Moorman’s leadership, the attendance continued to increase to where the average attendance was approximately 200 by the early 1980′s. In September of 1979 the church purchased 7.1 acres of land on Ednor Road for $149,000 with the hope of being able to expand and build a bigger building sometime in the future. By 1984, it was obvious that more space was needed. A second story addition was added to the church to accommodate more Sunday school classrooms and to create more space in the sanctuary to add additional pews. Not long after that, a portable classroom was purchased to be used for junior church, Sunday school classes, youth and social activities. When the house next to the church went up for sale, the church purchased it to be used for Sunday school classes and to house visiting missionaries.

A deaf ministry was started in 1991 under the leadership of Rev. Terry Buchholz. Many of those attending the deaf services come from Gallaudet University. Our youth Pastor and music director, Doug Moorman, joined the staff in 1992.

The church was soon becoming pressed for more space, with an average attendance of 300, and with no more room to expand, a building program was started. In 1995 an application was filed with WSSC for a sewer connection at the Ednor Road property. It took until October of 1998 for them to finally approve the request. Building plans quickly progressed after this, and on March 19, 2000 the congregation held their first service in the new building on Ednor Road. Because the new church building was no longer located in Wheaton, the name was changed to Hampshire View Baptist Church.

Pastor Glenn Moorman retired in 2015 and in 2016, his son Pastor Doug Moorman became the Senior Pastor. 

Pastor and Guest Pastors